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These are few of our friends and neighbors that have decided to endorse Carter in the election for Town Council. If you would want to join others who have already endorsed Carter, please click the ENDORSE button on the home page.

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If you’re a business, talk about how you started and share your professional journey. Explain your core values, your commitment to customers and how you stand out from the crowd. Add a photo, gallery or video for even more engagement.


Brenda Munks - Daughter of Town Founder Bill Lane

Greg Munks - Retired San Mateo County Sheriff

Ron Ramies - Owner Ramies Automotive

Martin Ramies - Owner Portola Valley Garage

Tom Ramies - Owner Portola Valley Garage

Betsy Morgenthaler - Chair Portola Valley Open Space Committee

Danna Breen - Portola Valley Architecture and Site Control Commission

Father Martin Mayer - Woodside Priory School

Father Maurus Nemeth - Woodside Priory School

Father Matthew Leavy - Woodside Priory School

Gary Nielsen - Former Portola Valley Town Council Mayor

Elisabeth Nielsen

Kathryn Reavis - Former Portola Valley School Board Member

Andrew Thompson

Sylvia Thompson

Karen Askey - Portola Valley Parks and Recreation Committee/Ad Hoc        Hawthorns Committee/ Ad Hoc ADU Committee

Lance Vaughan - Scout Master Portola Valley Scouts

Ellen Vernazza

Gary Hanning - Vice Chair, Trails and Paths Committee

    President, Governing Board of Trustees, PVSD

Todd Blocker

Kay Blocker

Megan Koch - Former Portola Valley Architecture and Site Control           Commission

Jack Kavanaugh

Ginny Kavanaugh

Harold Hanerfeld

Ellie Ferrari

Roy Ferrari

Ankit Jain

David Pejcha

Jane Daniels

Hasan Rizvi

Shameela Rizvi

Matt Garratt

Anne Garratt

Lucy Neely

E. Kirk Neely

Holly Myers

Roger Novesky

Bonny Novesky

Robert Allen

Ron Dolin

Stephanie Dolin

Lisa Putnam

Monika Cheney - Former Windmill School Board Member

Andrew Katz

Nancy Lund - Portola Valley Historian

Tor Lund

Mary Hufty - Portola Valley Town Council

Nicholas Targ - Portola Valley Planning Commission

George Savage - Portola Valley Finance Committee

Gina Dixon - Portola Valley Architecture and Site Control Commission

Mike Maffia -

Emma Morton Bours - Trustee Woodside Priory School

Dave Strohm - Westridge Supervising Committee

Stephen Gillett - Former Westridge Supervising Committee

Joe Coleman - Trails/Paths and Public Works Committees

Rob Douthit - WPFP Foundation Treasurer

Rebecca Peters Douthit

Troy Douthit

Charles Zaffaroni - Former Westridge Supervising Committee

Danielle Zafaroni

Christi Corley

Rita Comes Whitney

George Jelich

Mark Curtis

Jackie Curtis

Nancy Powel

Connie Knapp

Claire Magat Selden

Chris Selden

Marilyn Fidge

Lex Hobson

Bill Wraith

Leslie Wraith

George Andreini - Former Westridge Supervising Committee

Bobbie Andreini

Dwight Somersett

Leigh Pyle

Brian Pyle

Gary Morgenthaler

Eileen Morgenthaler - President Woodside Horse Park

Celeste Volz Ford

Kevin Ford

Laura Engdahl

Angelo Aloisio

Beverly Lipman

Peter Lipman

Wilson “Win” Farrar

Bruce Carlsmith

Meghan Sweet

Scott Sweet

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